Jerry retorts gleefully to Tucker's post:
>Gosh, this sure made me laugh..........  We librarians are everywhere I
>tell you.  Without us the entire social fabric disintegrates.  Remember
>what Yates has always said....."beware the librarians".
>We have *our* sites squarely upon the industrial weasals at this point.
>But Widespread Panic.........?  Hmm, perhaps a Damnations, TX poster.
>However, how narrowsighted of my professional association......"sorry, you
>aren't well-known enough." about a little outreach to those
>groups that are outside of our cohort group worldview.

So, is this supposed to appease we jerk-water town writers who aren't "good
enough" to get cd's for free; who go flying off to the closest "big city"
libraries in hopes of securing the latest Del McCoury/Steve Earle or Monte
Warden only to find that our trusted librarians have never even heard of
them much less
even know what will be coming in?  Love/hate relationship, at best.  Can't
live with you librarians, can't live without you.  Sheesh!
Stabbed in the heart, Tera

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