vgs399 writes:

>What I have been reading for some time is  the website 
>Country Standard Time, which I think does a pretty good 
>job of informing us on the doings of all matters country
>in an objective format.  Come to think of it, if they published a 
>magazine I would subscribe...except I'd like to see more 
>in-depth reviews and articles. Yet, I believe the editors 
>keep these relatively short in order to conserve space.

     Actually, there *is* a print version of "C.S.T." and you *can*
subscribe.  It's published nine times per year.  Send a check for $22.50
to:  Country Standard Time/54 Ballard Street/Newton Centre, Massachusetts
     For what it's worth, several people here (Jon Weisberger, Stuart
Munro, and me, for instance) are regular contributors to the magazine. 
Yes, space is limited in the magazine, though not so much on the website,
so reviews tend to be kept around 175 words.  Cover stories tend to be
about 1,600 words, regular stories about 1,200, and one-page stories are
about 700 or so.  
                                --Jon Johnson
                                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                                   Wollaston, Massachusetts

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