At 06:52 PM 3/28/99 +1200, you wrote:
>Hey Jeff, are you going as defender of the free world or on some other more
>important mission?

I'm going over as Twang of Eight's super dooper secret agent to infilitrate
and bring down from within, the evil musical regimes that exist in Eastern
Europe. There are patriots over there whose only desire in life in to
overthrow the repressive yokes of Hot New Country and Heavy Metal Tyranny
so that their country and their children will not have to suffer from
bleeding eardrums and sucky music. I am going to spread the joyful message
of the Holy Trinity, the prophets Bill, Buck, and Hank. Forget Democracy,
Cast off Communisim, Socialism Sucks, There is only the Twang. The Twang
shall set you free.

Can I get an Amen.

Because of the threats against my life and the ruthlessness and total lack
of taste, style, and compassion toward his fellow man demonstrated by the
opposition leader, King Garth, I am having the Sixth Fleet stand by just in
case we are forced to bomb the infidels back into the stoneage with
Stonewall, Stanley, Monroe, Loretta, Buck, and Hank Cd's. We will not give
up until the opression is overwith.

Viva La Revolution
Yours in Earl, 

Jeff Wall    The Webs least sucky music magazine
3421 Daisy Crescent - Va Beach, Va - 23456 

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