Bob Burns/Big In Iowa wrote:
Mojo is living in Cincinnati now and is a DJ on a morning show for WEBN.
He just released a new CD with The Toadliquors called "Sock Ray Blue!"
It's got songs on it such as:

Drunk Divorced Floozy (About Princess Di)
Dave Purcell wrote:

I heard a live acoustic version of this song on the way to work one
morning and nearly wrecked I was laughing so hard.


That may have been the morning of our CD release party. We both played
the WEBN Dawn Patrol to promote the show. A funny story about that is
since it was our CD release party, Mojo agreed to open up for us! What a
sport huh? He said "I don't mind playing early. While you're on stage,
I'll drink your booze and steal your women!  The show went great, but
the Air Conditioner was broken and temperatures soared up to about 110
degrees at the club. I'm sure you've heard that story though Dave,
Jimmy D. had to change shirts about 5 times.

In the studio that morning, Mojo said something that almost made me spit
out my coffee. "The problem with France is that there are too many
French people over there!"


Big In Iowa Web Page- http://www.biginiowa.com
Blue Rose Records - http://www.bluerose-records.com/

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