Dancer reflects

> Andre, I totally agree with you about Deep Ellum Live. What a
>horrible place. I really hope I never have to go back there again.
>The staff were total assholes, the crowd sucked, the sound system kept
>falling apart. Nothing about that place deserved a show as cool as it got
>last night.
> Anyway, that's it. Thanks for all the recommendations...

Yeah, this venue is the worse thing Dallas has to offer when it comes to
outlets.  Besides the rude staff and often annoying crowds, the place has no
taste in beer either.  Last time I went (about five years ago for Steve
Earle - which was a great show with NO sound problems), I had the option
between Coors Light and Bud Light.  The bartender claimed that most of the
people prefer light beer at Deep Ellum Live.  What a bunch of @#%$$%@# bull
shit.  After this experience, I pledged that I will never set my feet inside
that place again.
Thank god, Steve and Del are playing at Lakewood Theatre this coming Friday,
which is a very nice venue and only a three minute walk from my house.
Can't wait!


André Kopostynski
Dallas, Texas
Phone Home     (214) 827-1297

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