> Brooks' impact comes off field
> The Arizona Republic
> March 28, 1999
> In the world of music, he has recorded a bunch of hit singles.


> I asked what he would like the Padres to tell him when spring training
> ends.
> "What would I like to hear?" he asked. After a thoughtful pause, he said,
> wishfully, "I would love to be told that if I had invested the last 17
> years playing the game, I would be playing major league baseball."
> This is the closest chance he will have. So he took it, ignoring critics
> and cynics and fighting down his fears.
> "I'm scared to death of embarrassment and failure," Brooks said. But he
> made a commitment. He would try.
> "If you don't, you might as well stay in the house all day. . . . You're
> the only one who can see your dreams."

You know, I actually admire the guy for doing this. He ain't hurting
anybody, he's giving money to charity, signing autographs like he was
Willie, and being real, when he could just turn into another rich fool
artist and get totally crazy and disassociated from reality. Aside from
the fact that I think his fame is out of proportion to his ability (but
what fame that size isn't?) I fail to see why people demonize him.

Joe Gracey
President-For-Life, Jackalope Records

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