A recently issued CD have enlightened dark january so much for me, so it deserves
some words, eventhough I'm no reviewer.I'm talking about Vince Bell's Texas Plates.
I admit to be a great fan of his Phoenix, actually it's an alltime favourite of mine.
So, could he do it again? Or would I be dissapointed?
Well, this is not a new Phoenix. It's quite a diffrent album.
But it stands up, all the way to the moon to use his own images.
I thought I was gonna get a heartattach as the first chords dripped out of the speakers
like honey, and yes, I had to howl. Glad to be alone in the house just then.
This was my immediate reaction when it arrived two days ago.
I find Phoenix to be a very powerfull expression. An enormous pressure, not from the outside,
but from the inside, if you understand. Like a primalscream - I picture the phoenix as it rise up,
stretching its arms in to the sky like in a gasp,and then on.... That CD had alot of iron in it.
I got the taste of blood in my mouth just to listen to it. A lot of desperation, but also pride.
Texas Plates is cooler, more laidback. A lot more sexy, the narrator is more authoritative,
has the overview, comments and evaluates. Sharp, but not always as personal as on Phoenix.
Still, its a very human and confessing voice we hear. Fare from being arrogant or boring.
From the first song, Poetry Texas, to the last dance, Last Dance At The Last Chanche,
you are in it for a treat.
Seek it out for yourselves.
Ordering information at: http://www.mindspring.com/~vincebell/
Geir Nyborg

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