This just in from the NY Times:

A Finnish academic known for recording Elvis Presley songs 
in Latin is planning a new record of eternal hits - in the 
ancient Sumerian language.
The academic, Jukka Ammondt, said today that he intended 
to bring out a Sumerian single in the next few months and 
an album in the fall. He has been practicing with the song 
"Blue Suede Shoes" - translated into the cunieform 
language of Babylonia, which died out about 2000 B.C..
"Elvis would have liked the idea because ancient Sumerians 
had big parties and drums and rattles, and the roots of rock 
may go back to man's earliest efforts to get a grip on life," 
said Mr. Ammondt, who has produced two records of elvis 
songs in Latin.

So where would you file this - under "Oldies"?
Tom Smith

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