
Mister Weisberger asks of Rob Ickes: <<I'd imagine this is in connection
with his new album, Slide City, which is some very nice stuff, mostly jazz,
and not a trace of bluegrass.  I wonder who's going to give it airplay.>>

Well, I can't speak for the rhetorical universal radio world that Jon was
probably aiming for, but I'll say that I will likely play it.

But what the heck do I know about radio and good music?

I don't run my planned play lists by any consultants. I thought Dolly's
latest album was the best thing in the Decca catalog last year, followed
closely by Chris Knight's debut. I thought public radio was for the *local*
public. I though Radney Foster's album was enough to make me shed any
misgivings I had about the Arista/Austin label. I once almost started civil
unrest when I had the audacity to play a bluegrass song within the regular
rotation of a station's music programming (rather than relegating it to the
standard bluegrass ghetto of Saturday morning specialty shows). I thought,
to paraphrase someone else here, that hits came from radio and not the other
way around.

Sorry 'bout that. I have some issues this evening. <g>

But, yes, I'll play the Ickes record. Both listeners will hopefully enjoy

Take care,

Shane Rhyne
Knoxville, TN

NP: Elena Skye, One Dog Town

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