Right here on-list I'll say:
 Jon I figured you were going to have a little fun with this one!  You did
not let me down.
 I'd really encourage you to point out the errors here right to the grey ol
Times themselves..since IMHO Ms. Maynard has been a creature they more or
less invented as a "spokesman for her generayion: (it was  when she was an
uninteresting  teenager, and despite much dubious work from her in the
decades since, they have obviously turned to for this piece today because
of the BoxOffice Byline.
Yes, you'd think the Paper of Record would fact check somebody who's
authority is an inability to tell Ira from Charlie--which ALSO could have
been somewhat easily remedied if she'd, say, listening to a Charlie Louvin
recording!.  Suggest she buy one along with "Treasures"! But drop them a
little note...


>After confessing that she's unwilling or unable to distinguish one Louvin
>from the other after listening to them all her life, Ms. Maynard would have
>been well-advised to run a draft of her piece by someone with more of an
>inclination or ability to pay attention.  That probably would have saved her
>from this embarrassing mistake; this "showpiece for Ms. Ronstadt" in fact
>features Dolly Parton's lead vocal
>Jon Weisberger

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