This is a pretty simple thread to deal with:

On Dallas PA - Old '97s (pretty boy college pop)
On Joe Louis Arena PA - The Nuge, Alice Cooper, etc. (real music to play hockey

The hard truth: Y'ain't gonna win the Cup with the Old '97s on the PA.

Thanks to me for bringing the p2 content back to the most worthy fluff thread
I've seen on this list :).

John Magee
(born in Dallas, raised in Detroit, knows the right hockey team to root for)

-----Original Message-----
From: Stuart Munro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: passenger side <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Monday, April 05, 1999 5:04 PM
Subject: Re: Old 97s -- arena rock?

>Chad Hamilton says:
>>Tar Hut Records wrote:
>>> That didn't stop Federov's team from slapping the Stars with a 3-0 drubbing
>>> today...........
>>Which gets them within 20 points.  The Red Wings better be prepared for
>>a whipping come playoff time if they can make it to the Conference
>Careful now, Chad.  Those Red Wings made some mighty fine additions at the
>trade deadline, they still have Scotty Bowman, and as the saying goes, to
>be the boss, you have to beat the boss.
>Not even a Deetroit fan,
>Stuart Munro

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