As it turns out, my kid bro and Carl W. are both slightly wrong. Well,
Carl's more wrong than Dave. Here's the real story.

>Kentucky Kelly Kessler wrote:
>> >My former future wife...
>> This would make a great song.
>> (Am I slow on the uptake?  Is it already a great song and I don't even know
>> about it?)
>Dunno...I stole it from the esteemed Ms. Hockeystick, who refers
>to Steve Earle as her "former future ex-husband" (or something
>approximating that). I hereby claim dibs on it as a song, though I'm
>willing to peddle the rights for the right price, ahem....
Actually, Steve Earle is just my former future husband, though I suppose I
should add the ex- part since he can't stay married. Back when Steve was a
whole lot skinnier and I was a whole lot more single (and skinnier too, for
that matter), I had a pretty big crush on Steve, and I figured that with
his marriage habit, he was bound to get around to me eventually. Sure, I
didn't actually know him, but my then-boss used to work for him, so the
idea wasn't completely far-fetched. (Just mostly far-fetched.) But then I
fell in love and got married myself, and it was no longer seemly to refer
to Steve as my future husband. Thus he became my former future husband, and
why my kid bro thinks *he* can have dibs on it as a song is a mystery to
me. I coined the phrase; surely I should get to keep it. Grmph.

Now ask me why I refer to Dave as my younger brother.

Sensing this belongs on the fluff list,

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