BARNARD wrote:

> Ever since this situation came to light, I've been wondering about
> the poor folks who've booked rooms at the Oak Grove for weddings!
> Can you imagine? It sounds like a Peter Sellers comedy, showing up
> for a wedding to find the motel filled with the likes of us....

I was part of a pretty funny scenario along these lines. One night in college, my pals and I were drunkenly amazed to discover that Canada was only "this far" (hold your fingers about an inch apart) away from Northern Ky. So we loaded up the cooler and headed to Windsor.

I heard music coming from down the hall in our motel, and met some blues musicians from Toronto who'd been stopped at the border because of a previous pot possession charge in Detroit. We ended up sitting up all night playing old blues classics and drinking tequila. About 4:00 in the morning, we decided to go swimming, and discovered a bride and groom having sex in the pool. We
hightailed it out of there, only to have the bride and groom round up several of their friends from the bridal party and follow us back to the room where more playing and tequila drinking ensued. I set up a drum kit out of suitcases, guitar cases and hotel ice buckets. Too much fun.

Weren't they supposedly going to build a pool at the Oak Grove?


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