> I must of been dozin' when mention of this first came up.  Is this a tv 
> channel?  Radio channel?  Internet site?  Realaudio site?  Whatever, it sound 
> cool.
> Deb#s
I haven't decided whether it's cool just yet, mainly because I haven't had
the creativity to figure out how to hook my stereo speakers up to the TV
set. But anyway, it's a music service offered on many cable systems, where
you get a choice of 30 or so types of music, with tunes played one after
another without commercials or video. The screen shows you the selection,
artist and record label. The genres include: soft rock, classic rock, 
progressive, alternative, lite classical, real classical, blues, kid
stuff, new country, classic country, American originals (which has
segments on bluegrass/acoustic, show tunes, opera, and some stuff I can't
decypher), big band, easy listening, the all-Sovines channel, and several
more I can't recall. I'm not sure yet whether it's a good thing, because
whoever's selecting the tunes is so damn inscrutable. I just got it cuz it
was baseball season, and I had to get Sports Channel for the Tribe, and
then had to get the damn cable box, and then, aw never mind. - Terry Smith

ps for side musicians, did anyone mention Peter Holsapple?

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