Many heartfelt thanks to all who responded to my lament over living in
a twangless universe in NYC.  I really appreciate the warmth of your
empathy and the value of your practical suggestions.  After reading my
email, I felt immediately more confident in my identity, and  I had a
long overdue little chat with my record collection.  I told Loretta and
Tammy they no longer needed to hide out in a vinyl getto behind
Pavement and the Velvet Underground.  The women were quite pleased, if
a little disgruntled at how long I had taken to recognize their proper
place in the world.  

This little morale boost came a perfect time too, as I had just been
saddened by news in the Bloodshot catalog that the Neko Case album
won't be available until the fall.  Those measley seven inches just
aren't tiding me over adequately.

To the New Yorkers who wrote, I will greatly look forward to meeting
some of you at the Kelly Willis show.


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