On Wed, 14 Apr 1999, Joe Gracey wrote:

> I would gladly lend you $100 except that I just sent every penny I had
> to the IRS, plus a IOU which I hope they will accept in good humour. 

I think we should take a P2 poll - find out a.) who's paying this year;
and b.) who got or is getting a refund. People in Category b.) can buy the
drinks tonight.

On the Muzak thread - perhaps Mike Woods will weigh in on this one,
as rumour has it he actually used to *work* for the Evil Ones...

I always imagine Muzak as sort of like Dilbert's Accounting Department.
And who can forget the old Muzak logo of the lady with the lightning bolt
through her face?

 Geff King * email [EMAIL PROTECTED] * http://www2.ari.net/gking/
"I can explain it for you, but I can't understand it for you."
                                                -- Anon.

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