Hey there,

I'm almost positive its Eggy, like "this cake batter is too eggy." In
fact, I believe an employee of Miles of Music corrected me when I ordered
her first CD.

Knaus (pronounce the K, rhymes with mouse)

On Thu, 15 Apr 1999 20:25:44 -0500 "William F. Silvers"
>CK wrote:
>> Anna Egge is an Austin singer songwriter (via New Mexico and North
>> Dakota) - plays solo acoustic live, a bit more instrumentation on 
>> CDs. She tends to get grouped with folks like Iris Dement - mostly
>> slower, sadder songs wrapped around great stories - beautiful voice 
>> Check her out.
>Sounds good, I'll keep it in mind.
>But the really important question that's been bugging me on this 
>How do you pronounce the good Ms. Egge's name?
>Egg-y? Edgy? Edge?
>leggo my curiosity,
>doing my taxes...yeah yeah. <g>

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