I'll chime in with my one cent's worth of info...though I haven't heard the
band either. David probably has them pegged pretty well, compared to what
I've heard about the band.

The new Frogpond disc is due for release May 4 on Columbia. It's titled
*Safe Ride Home*

Also, the offshoot Exit 159 that both Bill S. and David mentioned (which I
think now has two locally released discs) just won the Best Alternative/Rock
Band award at the Kansas City/Lawrence Area Music Awards (Klammies). (David,
for what it's worth, the Weekly Pitch spells the leader's name Kristi Stremel).

BTW, another Klammies winner of note was Arthur Dodge & the Horsefeathers as
Best Country/Bluegrass Band *and* Best Folk Act.

Jack Copeland
Shawnee, Kansas

At 05:30 PM 4/19/99 EDT, Neil wrote:
>Just heard a song by Frogpond on bravenewworld.net and it was really 
>something special in a twangless, indie pop sort of way. Anyone know anything 
>about 'em? Cantwell? Do you dip in this part of the local-music pool? 
>Wowee. I love when this happens.

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