Jon J. clipped, I snipped:

> Scott Hendricks
> Ironically, Hendricks had every reason to think that he and Brooks might
> get along. "I mistakenly believed that there was something common there
> because we grew up 50 miles from each other," he remembers. "We used to
> play each other's high school in sports, and we went to the same
> agricultural college.

This just kind of tickled me. I'm sure there's still a strong ag program
there, but I hadn't heard Oklahoma State referred to as an "agricultural
college" since it was Oklahoma A&M, years ago, long before Hendricks and the
ball-eater were attending classes.

> "My first meeting with Garth, I said, `I'll never lie to you or kick you
> under the table. I want to be able to have the kind of relationship where
> we can be truthful with each other.' I found he didn't like for me to be
> truthful."

Well, Garth's human after all, eh? <g>


n.p. Mandy Barnett I'VE GOT A RIGHT TO CRY

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