I've been extremely busy with a number of things lately -
most importantly, a very active 15-month-old son - and haven't
had the time to read P2 more than once or twice a month.
I've also been feeling guilty for posting the Border Radio
playlists but not contributing beyond that. 

So, it's time to unsubscribe, but I did want to say
thanks to everybody first: for introducing me to a
bunch of new (and old) artists, for making me think
(usually more than I wanted to), and even for pissing
me off more than a couple times (getting pissed off at least
proves that your heart's still working).

If for some strange reason anybody is still interested
in reading the Border Radio playlists,
1) please move immediately to the Durham, NC, area
   and start tuning into the show; I need the listeners.
2) I'll be happy to add your name to the list of folks
   to whom I send the playlist every week. Just send
   me a quick message.

Stay in touch.

Take Care,
Rick Cornell
Hillsborough, NC

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