Hey there,

Well, since Jeff Wall said this...

>Tell everyone I said howdy and that they all suck.

Here ya go...

>Nothing going on here. Just listening to some Willie Nelson and trying
>hard not to take a cruise missle in the ass. Man I hate when that
>happens. Thanks for writing back. Just had a few thoughts that I >wanted
to share with you.
>1. You suck
>2. P-2 sucks
>3. Twangfest sucks
>4. All the bands at Twangfest suck
>5. Without me, Twangfest will suck
>6. Everyone sucks but me.
>Tell everyone I said howdy and that they all suck.
>Jeff Wall - Defender of the Free World
>Somewhere off the coast of Yugoslovia
>to respond: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Ensure that FC1 Jeff Wall CSF Division is in the subject line
>Send naked pictures, chocolate chip cookies, and naked pictures of
>chocolate chip cookies to:
>FC1 Jeff Wall
>FPO AE 09582-1207

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