This week, the Postfix mailing lists will be migrated from Majordomo at to Mailman at Thanks to for hosting the
Postfix lists for 24 years, and thanks to Sys4 for being the new host.

This is the pre-migration announcement.

If you don't receive a post-migration announcement by the end of Tuesday,
then please check your spam filters, sieve rules, etc.

Existing list members will be imported into the new list manager.


- Subjects have a very short tag that identifies the mailing list.

- A new footer gives a hint for how to get off a mailing list (in addition
  to the List-Mumble headers that mail readers may not display).

- The new envelope sender address is
  for mumble in [announce, devel, users].

- The list server does not add a Sender: header.

- The new From: header address is
  for mumble in [announce, devel, users]. The original sender
  address is added as a Reply-To address.

- There is a new DKIM signature from the domain


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