On Mon, Jun 13, 2022 at 11:51:24AM +0200, Benny Pedersen <m...@junc.eu> wrote:

> On 2022-06-13 10:52, ran...@skurelabs.com wrote:
> > Please suggest how to resolve this. Initially smtp_tls_security_level
> > = may, was verify and sending emails were getting rejected, then we
> > made it may. After that we for rejection emails from google.
> https://multirbl.valli.org/lookup/2a01%3A4f9%3Ac012%3A7b57%3A%3A1.html
> FCrDNS Test failed
> to resolve this part, add aaaa dns with that ipv6, then make a matching
> reverse ptr
> problem solved for this ip
> contact ab...@hetzner.com if more help is needed
> if hetzner dont allow ptr setup then dont send mail with ipv6, but you can
> recieve email on ipv6 just fine, just not send it

If you can't get a PTR record setup for some reason, you could
instead reduce the chance of sending mail via IPv6 with:

  smtp_address_preference = ipv4

I had to do that when an RBL tainted the network that my single
IPv6 address is part of.


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