Danke, Markus. Ich bin schon bei chkrootkit gelandet. Zwar kein Treffer (und 
das heißt noch nichts)  aber im Moment loggt rsyslogd gar nichts, außer dem
Hochfahren des kernels. Danach ist nichts mehr im syslog. Bin kurz vor einer 
Neuinstallation des Systems.

# /etc/rsyslog.conf configuration file for rsyslog
# For more information install rsyslog-doc and see
# /usr/share/doc/rsyslog-doc/html/configuration/index.html
# Default logging rules can be found in /etc/rsyslog.d/50-default.conf

#### MODULES ####

module(load="imuxsock") # provides support for local system logging
#module(load="immark")  # provides --MARK-- message capability

# provides UDP syslog reception
#input(type="imudp" port="514")

# provides TCP syslog reception
#input(type="imtcp" port="514")

# provides kernel logging support and enable non-kernel klog messages
module(load="imklog" permitnonkernelfacility="on")


# Use traditional timestamp format.
# To enable high precision timestamps, comment out the following line.
$ActionFileDefaultTemplate RSYSLOG_TraditionalFileFormat

# Filter duplicated messages
$RepeatedMsgReduction on

# Set the default permissions for all log files.
$FileOwner syslog
$FileGroup adm
$FileCreateMode 0640
$DirCreateMode 0755
$Umask 0022
$PrivDropToUser syslog
$PrivDropToGroup syslog

# Where to place spool and state files
$WorkDirectory /var/spool/rsyslog

# Include all config files in /etc/rsyslog.d/
$IncludeConfig /etc/rsyslog.d/*.conf

und /etc/rsyslog.d/50-default.conf:

#  Default rules for rsyslog.
#                       For more information see rsyslog.conf(5) and 

# First some standard log files.  Log by facility.
auth,authpriv.*                 /var/log/auth.log
*.*;auth,authpriv.none          -/var/log/syslog
#cron.*                         /var/log/cron.log
#daemon.*                       -/var/log/daemon.log
kern.*                          -/var/log/kern.log
#lpr.*                          -/var/log/lpr.log
mail.*                          -/var/log/mail.log
#user.*                         -/var/log/user.log

# Logging for the mail system.  Split it up so that
# it is easy to write scripts to parse these files.
#mail.info                      -/var/log/mail.info
#mail.warn                      -/var/log/mail.warn
mail.err                        /var/log/mail.err

# Some "catch-all" log files.
#       auth,authpriv.none;\
#       news.none;mail.none     -/var/log/debug
#       auth,authpriv.none;\
#       cron,daemon.none;\
#       mail,news.none          -/var/log/messages

# Emergencies are sent to everybody logged in.
*.emerg                         :omusrmsg:*

# I like to have messages displayed on the console, but only on a virtual
# console I usually leave idle.
#       news.=crit;news.=err;news.=notice;\
#       *.=debug;*.=info;\
#       *.=notice;*.=warn       /dev/tty8

> Am 04.10.2023 um 17:58 schrieb Markus Winkler <m...@irmawi.de>:
> Hallo Christoph,
> ich habe hier kein Ubuntu zum Nachschauen, aber:
> On 04.10.23 14:58, Christoph Kukulies wrote:
>> /etc/rsyslog.d/50-defaults:
> existiert da eigentlich eine /etc/rsyslog.conf und wenn ja, wie sieht die aus?
> Damit Rsyslog die Postfix-Logs _nicht_ (zusätzlich) nach /var/log/syslog 
> schreibt, müsstest Du das hier:
>> *.*;auth,authpriv.none          -/var/log/syslog
> in:
> *.*;auth,authpriv.none,mail.none   -/var/log/syslog
> ändern. Mache ich bei Debian jedenfalls immer so, weil ich in /var/log/syslog 
> keine Logs von Postfix haben will.
> Viele Grüße
> Markus

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