On Friday 31 October 2008 13:22:27 Brian Evans - Postfix List wrote:
> Robert Schetterer wrote:
> > Hi @ll,
> > has anbody experience with
> > postfix behind load balancers
> > im planning to test
> > ha-proxy
> > pen
> > balance(ng) on ubuntu hardy in a HA-Cluster
> > in front of postfix servers
> The pro's and con's of load balancing has been discussed many times
> here.  Search the archives for details.
> A different, and possibly better, way to handle the load of mail is a
> simple round-robin DNS or multiple MX records of the same priority.
> A load balance setup can, and probably will, change the TCP source.
> This is important in the detection of mynetworks as well as the
> requirement for the XFORWARD command.  Otherwise, Postifx will not know
> the true origination and always log the load balancer as the source.

Direct-Server-Return load balancing would not suffer from this problem, but 
it's about as good as multiple MX's, and a lot more complicated to setup.

We use multiple MX's here to good effect.


Mark Watts BSc RHCE MBCS
Senior Systems Engineer
QinetiQ Applied Technologies
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