* Rocco Scappatura <rocco.scappat...@infracom.it>:
> Hello,
> I have a postoffice system based on
> Postfix+MySQL+Courier-IMAP+Courier-authlib+Maildrop.
> I have enable quota checking with maildrop.
> When quota is overcame then Postfix get a permanent error by maildrop
> and generates a bounce with the following informations:
> <mypostoffice.domain.tld #5.7.0 x-unix; maildirmake: /pathto/user/: File
> exists maildrop: maildir over quota.>
> The message is 'as-is' reported by the MTA of the sender, to the sender.
> This message is clearly too technical for end user which claim that mail
> system has a fault!
> Could I configure Postfix so that the message generated by Postfix when
> the quota is exceeded, is easier to understand by end user? Or is a
> matter of maildrop?

The latter. It even says so:

maildirmake: /pathto/user/: File exists 
maildrop: maildir over quota.

the script you're invoking at delivery time is broken

Ralf Hildebrandt
Postfix - Einrichtung, Betrieb und Wartung       Tel. +49 (0)30-450 570-155
We have joy, we have fun, we have Linux on our Sun!

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