On Tuesday 14 July 2009 10:20:09 Jacky Chan wrote:
> I would like to ask if the size of message exceeds the one defined in
> main.cf, how can I configure Postfix to generate a bounce or error notice
> to user/admins?


On our boxes it returns an appropriate error code to the sender (who is the 
only person who can fix the issue), and logs an error. I use logcheck and 
pflogsumm, so as administrator this is picked out of mail logs and reported 
to me.

One could create an event from the log file entry, plenty of tools to do that 
sort of thing around, but I'd say half of these events are things the users 
wouldn't want to know about anyway (i.e. things (read bots) gone mad, rather 
than genuine attempts to send email with big attachments, although that may 
depend on the largest size allowed).

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