Hi all,
I need to parse some mails I receive with a postfix server.

I want:
the server to receive "mydomain.com" as local addresses (here no problem).
the server to send to a bash script the mail addressed to "*@

I have,
on /etc/postfix/transport:
*script.mydomain.com      myhook:
on /etc/postfix/master.cf
*myhook unix - n n - 1 pipe
  user=nobody argv=/usr/bin/script ${sender} ${recipient}

**But* I have some problems.

1) If I set:
mydestination = mydomain.com, script.mydomain.com,
every mail I receive on script.mydomain.com isn't redirected to script, and
I receive "*Recipient address rejected*: *User unknown in local recipient

*2) If I set:
mydestination = mydomain.com,
postfix doesn't accept mail for script.mydomain.com, unless I set
"mynetworks =", and I became an open relay.

How would you solve the problem?
Where is my error?
I think configuration 1) is the exact one, but how do I say to postfix that
domain is not local and to redirect it to the script (accepting all IPs)?


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