Dear members of postfix-users,

can anyone of you please explain to me what the following log entry

postfix/smtpd[8558]: improper command pipelining after QUIT from 

I do know what command PIPELINING is, that it is offered in response
to an EHLO and that Postfix 2.6 keeps track of improper pipelining on
a per session basis (see release notes, feature 20090228).

But I am not sure how a client can transmit additional commands after
it sent a QUIT to the server. Is that some kind of timing issue, my
hardware perhaps being too slow?

FWIW, the only restriction I have that mentions pipelining is:

smtpd_data_restrictions = reject_multi_recipient_bounce

I will happily provide all of postconf -n and any lookup tables as per
DEBUG_README if that should be necessary.


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