Dne 12.12.2009 v 15:03 prasanna napsal(a):

>          i have installed postfix 2.6.5, it is working fine.  I am using
> dovecot IMAP server, where i have limited user mailbox size to 5MB.  Whenever
> user quota  is exceeded, Postfix sends failure bounce template mail to the
> sender immediately indicating Disk Quota exceeded message.  But i want the
> mail to be stored or queued, so that the mail can be delivered to user either
> by increasing the his quota for time being or user itself deleting some mails
> in his inbox so that the new queued mail is delivered to him.  Can anyone
> suggest how to do this.

Yes, I would like it also. I'm afraiding, there is no configuraion option 
(for 'main.cf') for set of behaviour of "mailbox_size_limit".
    I think about to create own policy daemon for a solution of local 
users limits and settings. But I don't known how get local username from 
recipient address yet (see 

Michal Kurka - Mysak
sluzby spojene s operacnim systemem Linux

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