Pflogsumm version 1.1.3 has *finally* been released. This is a Beta

From the ChangeLog:

rel-1.1.3       20100320

   Added long-awaited switches to optionally reduce detail reporting:
   --bounce_detail=N, --deferral_detail=N, --reject_detail=N,
   --smtp_detail=N, smtpd_warning_detail=N, and --detail=N.  Setting
   any of them to 0 suppresses that detail entirely.  --detail=N sets
   the default for all of them, as well as for -u=N and -h=N.

   With the above enhancements, the following switches are depreciated,
   and will eventually be removed: --no_bounce_detail,
   --no_deferral_detail, --no_reject_detail and --no_smtpd_warnings.
   They are replaced by setting the desired --*_detail=0.  They still
   work, but using them generates a warning.

   Added support for parsing logs with RFC 3339 timestamps.  Thanks
   and a tip o' the hat to sftf-at-yandrex-dot-ru for the heads-up
   and the code contribution.  (N.B.: My code does not require a
   command-line switch.  The format is detected automatically.)

   Fixed some --ignore-case inconsistincies.  Thanks and a tip o'
   the hat to Richard Blanchet (richard-dot-blanchet-at-free-dot-fr)
   for the heads-up and the diff.

   Fixed parsing bug that resulted in attempts to treat
   kind-of-IPv4-looking strings as IPv4 addresses.  (I really need to
   improve reject/defer/etc. "reason" parsing to fix this properly.)
   Thanks to Joseph Vit (jvit-at-certicon-dot-cz) for the bug

Translators: I recommend you do NOT work on this release.  Wait until
1.2.0 appears.  This version is expected to become 1.2.0, unless
bug-fixes are required.  The only change I currently have planned is
perhaps adding --user_detail and --host_detail, for consistency with
the other new --<blurfl>_detail=N switches.


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