Le 25/10/2011 18:49, Aniruddha a écrit :
> I've added my local ip adress range to allow computers in my lan to
> send e-mails though my local postfix server. Is this the correct
> setting to achieve this? 

That's a start. you can possibly improve the situation:

- for hosts "owned" by users, you can require authentication (TLS+SASL)
- for servers: only allow the hosts tat are supposed to send email

> And am I correct that with the current
> mynetworks configuration only clients in my lan can user the smtp
> server?  According to mxtoolbox I don't have an open relay. Are there
> other security measures I should take?

I guess you mean postfix related measures. if so, postfix is
- safe by default,
- it tries to protect against "shoot your foot" (well, unless you're not

so thanks to Wietse and other postfix developpers...

> mynetworks = [::ffff:]/104 [::1]/128

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