First make sure that the domain you are sending to is set as a virtual mailbox 
domain. It sounds like you've already set the virtual transport to dovecot 
which is right. If you think mysql is the issue try making a virtual alias maps 
hash file.

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-----Original Message-----
Sent: Dec 11, 2011 1:21 PM
Subject: virtual_alias_maps / mysql problem


i´m not quite sure if the problem is directly the virtual_alias_maps or 
something it interacts with, so to say.
in i set
virtual_alias_maps = mysql:/etc/postfix/
unverified_recipient_reject_code = 550
unknown_local_recipient_reject_code = 550

and in
# the user name and password to log into the mysql server
hosts =
user = mailcheck
password = secretpassword
dbname = mails
table = virtual
select_field = dest
where_field = alias

now, if i try to send to an address on the server that does not exist, it 
should refuse, right? unfortunately it, postfix just hands it over to dovecot, 
as if everything was fine =(

I´m currently not completely sure, if the problem lies with the 
postfix-configuration or with the mysql-query (e.g. if it always returns "ok", 
even if the entry wasn´t found).
But I´m currently not sure, how to test this. When i directly make the query in 
sql, it works fine (aka, it returns an empty result, if the mailaddress is not 
equal to one of the aliases).

i also tried to change the so that it uses a query (query = 
SELECT dest FROM virtual WHERE alias = "%s";), but the behavior did not change. 
mind you, when there´s an error in this file, i can´t send any mails, so it 
seems to be used in some way or other. -_-;

any hints would be appreciated =)

best regards

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