Wondering if anyone else has had this issue with Yahoo.

I have a user who setup his mail to forward to his yahoo account. All of his 
mail (he changed his forwarding from gmail to yahoo) went to yahoo for about a 

About a week after the forward was setup, all mail to yahoo is rejected with a 
554:Con:b1 error. Now, a year or so later, mail to yahoo is sporadic, sometimes 
it sends, sometimes I get a 554 for a couple of days and everything clears up 
for another month or 5.

I never seem to get 421 errors, just 521.

I remember having horrible problems with Yahoo blacklisting any server at the 
drop of a hat about  decade ago, but I thought they'd mostly pulled their heads 
out since then.

Anything I can do on my end for the occasional yahoo emails (the user in 
question switched back to gmail) that will make them happier without too much 
effort on my part?

When a distinguished but elderly scientist states that something is
possible, he is almost certainly right. When he states that something is
impossible, he is probably wrong.

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