On 10/20/2013 03:21 PM, Wietse Venema wrote:

That is the wrong question. The right question when enabling a feature
is **will this feature be safe to use**. I will give one example of
why it is not safe: Postfix accepts mail into the queue and then
bounces it later. When this bounce is blocked by a filter, it will
disappear into a black hole, which violates the SMTP standard. That is
only one example; that is sufficient to demonstrate that something is
unsafe. Showing that something is safe requires a more detailed
analysis. I have no time for that.

Ok, I understand that you don't have time to explain Postfix internals
but the subject was regarding documentation and the MILTER_README is

And btw, if you think that blocking bounces is evil ( not saying you
are not right ), check the EXAMPLES section in

José Borges Ferreira

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