Hi, is it possible to act on it using

delay_warning_time and or


Il 05/12/2013 10:24, Matteo Cazzador ha scritto:
Hi, thank's , but it's not  so clear for me.

The mail client receive a notification of error but too late over 24 hours from first send.
If the email is important this time it's too large.
Is it possibile to reduce it?

Il 05/12/2013 10:19, lst_ho...@kwsoft.de ha scritto:

Zitat von Matteo Cazzador <mat...@netlite.it>:

Hi, i've a problem causing by blacklist.
I 've a virtual postfix mail server (with smtp server sasl auth), when a user send a mail
using my smtp server to a specific domain i obtain:

" hostname ... server refused to talk to me: 550 Denied by policy"

My problem is that the sender isn't warned of mail server error.

The sender don't receive immediatly any error message, why?

Is it possible to have immediatly error on client sender side on error 550?

Can someone help me please?

Thank's a lot.

Mail is store and forward, so your server doesn't know at time of submitting the mail if it can be delievered. But you client will get a bounce and therefore see that the delievery failed. Unfortunately nearly no mailclient is able to notify the user in a understandable way, but that a UI problem at the client side.



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Ing. Matteo Cazzador
NetLite snc di Cazzador Gagliardi
Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 188 37069
Villafranca di Verona VR
Tel 0454856656
Fax 0454856655
Email: mat...@netlite.it
Web: http://www.netlite.it

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