R. Berger:
> hi,
> I have the following problem coming from sendmail:
> This is how it is set up in virtusertable:
> @domain.nl   %1...@otherdomain.nl
> us...@domain.nl  localuser1
> us...@domain.nl       localuser2
> us...@domain.nl     localuser3

If you can explain what the above means for Sendmail, then someone
can try to show how to do the same in Postfix.

I suspect that you want to use Postfix virtual_alias_maps instead
of canonical_maps.

If the equivalent is this (in terms of hash: files):

    virtual_alias_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/virtual ...

    us...@domain.nl     localus...@example.com
    us...@domain.nl     localus...@example.com
    us...@domain.nl     localus...@example.com
    @domain.nl          @otherdomain.nl

Then you are accepting mail with non-existent recipient addresses
and forwarding it to otherdomain.nl. That is bad. Such mail will
bounce and you become a backscatter source.

Instead, use this:

    virtual_alias_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/virtual ...
    virtual_alias_domains = otherdomain.nl ...

    us...@domain.nl     localus...@example.com
    us...@domain.nl     localus...@example.com
    us...@domain.nl     localus...@example.com

That will reject mail for users that you haven't defined.


> I am using postfixadmin and the local users are working.
> But how do I forward all the other mail? I understand I can do that for 
> a complete domain using canonical_maps option but does it work together 
> with local virtual users?
> Thanks,
> Roger

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