
I relay transactional mail for my customer's web sites.
Each website has it's own SASL authenticated account and mail are sent via 
submission or smtps.

But, some website doesn't verify email existence when a user submit a web form  
or 'create an account'.
That's why I often see my postfix relay trying to send to non-existing email.
Sending again and again to non-existing mail can lowering my IP reputation and 
waste ressources that's why I need a solution.

I can't force my customer to use some kind of email verification but I strongly 
encouraged them to do it. Most of them don't care or have no 
time/money/knowlegde to do it.

Fisrt, I need to have some stats about outgoing mail.
- What percentage of error 'User unknown' per account ? (Can you confirm that 
every SMTP software bounce with error '550 5.1.1'  ?)
If someone can advice any script, I will be very grateful. Otherwise, i will 
write it myself.
With these stats, I can then take necessary actions (lock account, …)

Second, maybe additional, I think about maintain a list of 'User unknown' 
Maybe, I could implement this (example with plain text file but it could be 

# master.cf
submission inet n       -       -       -       -       smtpd
smtps inet n       -       -       -       -       smtpd
  -o smtpd_tls_wrappermode=yes

$ cat /etc/postfix/unknonwn_recipients
bad_us...@example.com REJECT Unknown user
bad_us...@example.com REJECT Unknown user

And write a cron job to parse postfix logs and add 'Unknown user' email to  

Thank you for your feedback.


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