Am 18.01.2014 20:06, schrieb
> I can send mail apparently anywhere via the command line or a local telnet 
> session, but my squirrelmail seems to have an issue that I cannot identify.  
> I would not come here for squirrelmail issues, I believe this is a postfix 
> config issue that I just cannot see.  There seems to be some kind of clean 
> open relay vs. relay access denied issue?  Not sure.  
> Error
> Here is my mail.log session and I will insert a few notes in parens:
> rolf@www:/etc/postfix$  echo "test from my domain" | mail -s "Hello world 
> 1349" && sudo tail -f /var/log/mail.log
> (per the above from the command line, here we see success)
> Jan 18 13:39:44 eee postfix/pickup[16000]: D3C75B00C73: uid=1000 
> from=<>
> Jan 18 13:39:44 eee postfix/cleanup[16009]: D3C75B00C73: 
> message-id=<>

this is *not* smtp and so no smtp-restrictions apply

> (now I have logged in at and replied to the above message. 
> so far all is well)

this is *not* relay, this is deliver to a inbox of a received message from 

> (now i have gone into squirrelmail to reply to the above...note the 554 5.7.1 
> error)
> Jan 18 13:41:23 eee postfix/smtpd[16081]: connect from localhost[::1]
> Jan 18 13:41:23 eee postfix/smtpd[16081]: NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from 
> localhost[::1]: 554 5.7.1 <>: Relay access denied; 
> from=<> to=<> proto=ESMTP 
> helo=<>
> Jan 18 13:41:23 eee postfix/smtpd[16081]: lost connection after RCPT from 
> localhost[::1]
> Jan 18 13:41:23 eee postfix/smtpd[16081]: disconnect from localhost[::1]

use stmp-authentication in your webmail or (not so smart) put ::1 in mynetworks

> Hostname info:
> rolf@www:/etc/postfix$ hostname
> rolf@www:/etc/postfix$ hostname -f
> here is my postfinger dump, and below that the pertinent (i think) parts of 
> mynetworks =,
> smtpd_recipient_restrictions = permit_mynetworks, permit_sasl_authenticated, 
> reject_unauth_destination

and where do you have ::1 in mynetworks?
you have not!

so configure your webmail to use or put ::1 also in mynetworks

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