On Mon, Feb 10, 2014 at 11:05:50AM -0500, Norton Allen wrote:

> I've noticed the following in my logs:
>    Feb  9 04:10:01 endymion postfix/smtp[21298]: certificate
>    verification failed for gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com: num=20:unable to
>    get local issuer certificate
>    Feb  9 04:10:01 endymion postfix/smtp[21298]: certificate
>    verification failed for gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com:
>    num=27:certificate not trusted

Harmless, newer versions of Postfix don't log these warnings when
TLS is opportunistic.  You can upgrade if you find these warnings

> 1) Is this a misconfiguration on gmail's part? Should they be
> including the intermediate cert along with the host cert during SSL
> negotiation? (just to help me understand my own configuration)

Postfix ignores the system certificate bundle by default.  Only
certificates listed in "smtp_tls_CAfile" or (if c_rehash is run
with the directory as argument) "smtp_tls_CApath".

> 2) Is my best option to include the intermediate cert in my
> ca-bundle.crt? And/or can I list more than one bundle so I don't
> have to hack the bundle that yum is maintaining?


> 3) Or should I just disable TLS for SMTP?

You should just ignore these warnings.  With 

        smtp_tls_security_level = may

unauthenticated connections are just as good as authenticated
connections, and authentication warnings are a distraction.


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