On Tuesday, March 04, 2014 12:14:41 you wrote:
> ------------ Original Message ------------
> > Date: Tuesday, March 04, 2014 11:55:49 AM -0500
> > From: Mike McGinn <mikemcg...@mcginnweb.net>
> > To: Postfix users <postfix-users@postfix.org>
> > Subject: backscatter
> > 
> > I ma getting some backscatter problems lately.
> > I used to have the line:
> > Thanks a bunch,
> > Mike
> From your description, you don't seem to be creating back-scatter.
> Back-scatter is when you accept a message and then subsequently
> bounce it for whatever reason (back-end user unknown, spam, virus,
> etc.). Given that the "From"/return-path addressing may be forged
> (specifically if it's spam) then you are likely sending your
> *bounce* to someone who is not a party to the mail exchange (except
> that their address was forged on the message).
> What you appear to be doing is simply *rejecting* messages that come
> from a supposedly legit sender by way of a mail server whose
> configuration your side sees as suspect. In an environment that
> doesn't have spammers sending through it, that reject will just go
> back to the true sender. That sender may be annoyed that their
> message couldn't be delivered, but they aren't getting back a
> message they didn't send.
>      - Richard

Thank you Richard,
Yes, I am rejecting messages, and getting a lot of undeliverable bounces in my 
not so aptly named postmaster account. I am on one list for backscatter 
because of this.  People come by and complain when their mail is rejected by 
the recipient server. They get unpleasant. 

I have done a bit of the google on this, and it seems to be a problem for 
which there is no easy solution.

Mike McGinn             KD2CNU
Ex Uno Plurima
No electrons were harmed in sending this message, some were inconvenienced.
** Registered Linux User 377849

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