On 4/21/14, 8:41 PM, "/dev/rob0" <r...@gmx.co.uk> wrote:

>On Mon, Apr 21, 2014 at 04:26:50PM -0400, Wietse Venema wrote:
>> I'm getting tired of questions about relayhost load balancing
>> or source IP address diffusion.
>I understand the feeling. However, in many cases, the people who
>want this are hurting themselves or hurting others:
>A. Self hurt:
>  1. Greylisting woes: changing your source IP at random, you
>     never get through greylisting (like gmail and postscreen
>     after-220 tests before 2.11)
>  2. Lower volume per IP address inhibits improvement in IP
>     reputation (in many cases, the REAL problem is poor/no IP
>     reputation)
>B. Others hurt:
>  1. Snowshoe spammers "flying under the radar" to avoid DNSBL
>     listings
>  2. Avoidance of receivers' flow control, whether spam or not
>Yes, randmap & roundmap sound like interesting ideas, but are
>they serving real use cases?

Whether they are serving real wide-spread use cases or not, the
functionality exists today.  I was able to get mysql set up to ³randmap"
the inbound traffic from my ³mail hygiene² servers to my internal servers
without much difficulty and very little googling, once Wietse gave me a
push in that direction.  Had these primitives been there the solution
would have been more obvious, but attempting to block a feature by making
it hard doesn¹t deter either spammers or fools, so might as well make it
easier for people with real corner cases.

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