On Fri, 7 Dec 2018 at 09:15, Matus UHLAR - fantomas <uh...@fantomas.sk>

> On 06.12.18 15:45, Dominic Raferd wrote:
> >I am using incrond to monitor an mbox file (in /var/mail) for changes,
> hmmm, why?
> maybe there's other way to implement your requirement

I think I have it working now. The problem was not postfix (of course), it
was that I was modifying the mbox file using
which in fact replaces it, I am now using:
postlock $MBOXFILE /bin/bash -c "sed -f $SCRIPTFILE $MBOXFILE|sponge
$MBOXFILE" # not sure if bash subshell is necessary?
and also comparing the inode before and after - if the inode changes (which
is not normally the case) then I restart incrond.

The use case is my home-grown quarantining system. Mail server periodically
emails me about quarantined emails - I can reply to these emails using
short codes, this reply is placed by postfix in the monitored $MBOXFILE.
When $MBOXFILE changes, incrond triggers a script which looks at the latest
email in it and interprets it to take the necessary actions i.e. removing
unwanted mails from quarantine, releasing wanted ones, whitelisting sender

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