Hi Remi,

Thanks so much for this detailed response. Your idea about creating
the lines and the only storing where they intersect and are within the
polygons is a great idea. I'm going to give that a go now.

Thanks again,


On 13 November 2013 11:41, Rémi Cura <remi.c...@gmail.com> wrote:
> This would be an improvement but still non efficient.
> you have 2 possibilities, supposing that what you want is points 20 meter
> spaced in all road_buf  :
> either you compute for each road_buffer the points inside, one road at a
> time ( figuratively ).
> This means you write a function which generates points 20-meter spaced in
> the bounding box of the road you are working on, and keep those in the real
> road buffer, and group result points as a multipoints (for cosmetic purpose)
> .
> You would then use it like this :
> SELECT road_id, points_insidea_road(the_geom) AS my_points_inside_the_road
> FROM road_polygons_table
> You would have as output a line per road with a multipoint containing all
> the point 20 meter spaced inside the road.
> Or (what you wrote) you generate all points and keep those intersecting one
> or many road.
> The first one is mandatory, because it avoids to manipulate (incredibly) big
> table of all points spaced by 20 meters for UK (around 500 * 10^6 points ! )
> Even with indexes it's not a good idea to use such number of rows.
> That's the first point (write a function working for one road, then use it
> for all road).
> The second point is the way you compute is very inefficient. If your road is
> going from south-West to NorthEast, you will generate a very big number of
> points, and very few will be in the road_buffer. This is problematic as for
> a road of only 20 kms, you may generate as many as 100k points and keep only
> few of them. If you want to process hundreds of ks or roads it will become
> very problematic. Also you would have to generate points each time.
> So here is what  I suggest you : change your strategy :
>  instead of generating all point in bounding box and then keeping only those
> in road_buffer,
> generate a line every 20 meters going North south and an line every 20
> meters going East-West , then use the function ST_Intersection to keep only
> part of this lines being inside the road_polygon, then you have the points
> inside road_polygons as the intersections of these EW lines with the SN
> lines.
> It will be very efficient because you can create a table with all the lines
> going East-West and South-North for great britain (about 25k + 50k lines),
> and build index on it (index on geom and on the column saying if it is SN or
> EW).
> The trick is the number of lines is around 500km * 50 line/km + 1000km * 50
> line/km , where the number of points is  500km * 50 line/km * 1000km * 50
> line/km
> Hope it helps,
> Cheers,
> Rémi-C
> 2013/11/13 James David Smith <james.david.sm...@gmail.com>
>> Hey Remi,
>> Thanks for your reply. So in your mind you think we should have a
>> database of say 300 polygons, and then we run a command like this
>> right?
>> ST_Collect(st_setsrid(ST_POINT(x,y),27700))
>> generate_series(53320::int, 667380::int,20) as x,
>> generate_series(7780::int, 1226580::int,20) as y,
>> road_polygons_table
>> st_intersects(road_polygons_table.the_geom,
>> st_setsrid(ST_POINT(x,y),27700))
>> What do you think?
>> Thanks
>> James
>> On 11 November 2013 14:51, Rémi Cura <remi.c...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > Hey,
>> > the whole point on using a sgbds like postgis is using index.
>> >
>> > If you have one line you don't use indexes...
>> >
>> > So in short, don't make one polygon with a buffer of all the road, but a
>> > table with a line for the buffer for every road, then do you computation
>> > to
>> > create grid of points inside of polygons, then union the result of
>> > points!
>> >
>> > And it s always a bad idea to run a function on big data when you have
>> > not
>> > tested it fully (including scaling behavior) on small data.
>> >
>> >
>> > Cheers
>> > Rémi-C
>> >
>> >
>> > 2013/11/11 James David Smith <james.david.sm...@gmail.com>
>> >>
>> >> Hi all,
>> >>
>> >> Would appreciate some advice on the best way to accomplish this please.
>> >>
>> >> Our situation is that we have a single polygon which has been created
>> >> by buffering all of the major roads in the UK. Projection is OSGB36
>> >> (27700). Obviously it's quite a big polygon.
>> >>
>> >> -->  SELECT st_area(geom) FROM roadbufferunion;
>> >>      st_area
>> >> ------------------
>> >>  77228753220.8271
>> >>
>> >> What we now want to do is create a regular grid of 20 metre x 20 metre
>> >> points instead the polygon area. So we wrote this function (based on
>> >> some googling, apologies for not being able to recall the exact person
>> >> who originally wrote it):
>> >>
>> >> CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION makegrid(geometry, integer, integer)
>> >> RETURNS geometry AS
>> >> 'SELECT ST_Collect(st_setsrid(ST_POINT(x,y),$3)) FROM
>> >>   generate_series(53320::int, 667380::int,$2) as x
>> >>   ,generate_series(7780::int, 1226580::int,$2) as y
>> >> where st_intersects($1,st_setsrid(ST_POINT(x,y),$3))'
>> >> LANGUAGE sql
>> >>
>> >> and we then run this by doing the following:
>> >>
>> >> SELECT st_x((ST_Dump(makegrid(geom, 20, 27700))).geom) as x,
>> >> st_y((ST_Dump(makegrid(geom, 20, 27700))).geom) as y INTO grid_points
>> >> from roadbufferunion;
>> >>
>> >> However after over 2 days of the query running on a pretty powerful
>> >> linux cluster, we still have no result.  I'm not sure if it is
>> >> actually running or not to be honest.
>> >>
>> >> Does the query look right?
>> >> Any ideas how we can make it run quicker?
>> >>
>> >> Thanks
>> >>
>> >> James
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