On Thu, Nov 21, 2013 at 04:27:12PM +0100, Huub Fleuren wrote:

> While the st_intersects or st_overlaps functions returns query
> results without errors the operator version SOMETIMES results in
> errors over the SRID:
> ERROR:  Operation on two geometrys with different SRID's.


> All of the 3552 records are OKE, having the correct SRID, all 2D, all vaid.


> Everything runs on ubuntu
> -The SQL query is generated by MAPSERV 5.6.1 WMS server
> -Postgres Version 9.0.5
> -Postgis version 1.5

Can you paste the output of SELECT postgis_full_version() ?
I'd make sure to be running 1.5.9 and REINDEX the table.
Also, use the literal srid in your test calls, rather than
the find_srid() function, just to simplify the testcase.


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