On 11/12/13 19:15, Sandro Santilli wrote:

A topological approach would solve it.
Simplifying a polygon may overlap with the still-unsimplified
adjacent one, so you can't check after each single simplification.
You could check afterwards, at the end, but then resolving one
overlap on one side may introduce another overlap in the other side.

Really, you need to model your data topologically, then simplify
edges, rather than full polygon boundaries.

Actually, I simplified (with ST_SimplifyPreserveTopology) one edge at a time, but did not check at every step (I was under the impression that this function did preserve topology).


Thanks, this did the trick. It would be useful to add it to PostGIS.


Luca Morandini
Data Architect - AURIN project
Melbourne eResearch Group
Department of Computing and Information Systems
University of Melbourne
Tel. +61 03 903 58 380
Skype: lmorandini

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