If you want to modify postgis topology maybe it could be in the way of a
new column in the "face" table,
with explicit geometry.
it would be keep in sync with triggers.

You have to keep in mind that is would be duplicating data.

You can get example triggers in other topology table, and I think there
already is a function to get a polygon  geom from a face id.



2014/1/6 Jan Hartmann <j.l.h.hartm...@uva.nl>

>  Thanks Paul, that was indeed what I was looking for.
> I'm not sure if it would be wise to switch already to OL3 at this moment.
> What would you suggest would be a reasonable time to wait for the
> definitive version for a production environment? And would it make sense to
> work in the meantime on my original idea, implementing this functionality
> within PostGIS-topology?
> Jan
>  On 01/05/2014 07:47 PM, Paul Ramsey wrote:
> Maybe on OL3?
> http://vimeo.com/78298228
> P
> On Fri, Jan 3, 2014 at 4:14 AM, Jan Hartmann <j.l.h.hartm...@uva.nl> 
> <j.l.h.hartm...@uva.nl> wrote:
>  Hi all,
> I have written a simple OpenLayers-application to edit a PostGIS polygon
> layer: read one polygon from the server as GeoJSON, adapt it interactively,
> and write it back again via GeoJSON. Points are only moved, not created or
> deleted.
> The polygon layer is topologically correct: all adjoining polygons share the
> same points. With QGIS I can choose "topological editing", to automatically
> move corresponding points from adjoining polygons. With the GeoJSON
> application that is not possible: whenever I move a boundary point of one
> polygon, the corresponding points on adjoining polygons remain where they
> are.
> Is it possible with the new topology methods in PostGIS to write the
> following update procedure: whenever a changed polygon is written back into
> the database, all corresponding points on neighbouring polygons will be
> looked up and changed as well? I guess I would need some sort of pointer for
> all boundary points to all other boundary points that share the same
> location.
> Jan
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