Example from my own application, you should be able to modify that to fit your 

SELECT row_to_json(f) As feature FROM (SELECT 'Feature' As type, 
ST_AsGeoJSON(ST_Transform(l.geometry, 4326))::json As geometry, 
row_to_json((SELECT l FROM (SELECT id, 'l' AS type, name, area) As l)) As 
properties FROM lakes As l where l.id = 123456 ) As f;


On 28 Aug 2014, at 16:55, Max Demars <burton449...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi list,
> I would like to get a geojson feature with properties from PostGIS. I have 
> found an example to have a feature collection but I can't make it works for 
> just a feature.
> so far I modified the feature collection query but the output is not valid:
>     "SELECT row_to_json(fc) \
>                             FROM (SELECT 'Feature' As type \
>                                  , ST_AsGeoJSON(%s)::json As geometry  \
>                                  , row_to_json((id_relat,id)) As properties \
>                                 FROM shapefile_feature WHERE id=%s)As fc;" % 
> (geometryField, feature.pk)
> invalid output:
>     {
>        u'geometry':{
>           u'type':u'MultiPolygon',
>           u'coordinates':[
>              [
>                 [
>                    [
>                       -309443.24253826,
>                       388111.579584133
>                    ],
>                    [
>                       -239422.232645415,
>                       395845.012821243
>                    ],
>                    [
>                       -136320.430677211,
>                       389768.695489968
>                    ]
>                 ]
>              ]
>           ]
>        },
>        u'type':u'Feature',
>        u'properties':{
>           u'f1':0,
>           u'f2':489445
>        }
>     }
> Anyone can help here?
> -- 
> Stack Overflow: http://stackoverflow.com/users/1914034/burton449
> GIS Overflow: http://gis.stackexchange.com/users/14426/burton449
> LastFm: http://www.lastfm.fr/user/burton449
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