Hugues:  Yes, you are quite right.  The ST_Intersects does exactly what I need. 
  Good stuff here.
Thanks again everyone for your patience!   I probably should have tried a few 
more of these before posting.
Cheers!Joseph Spenner
 If life gives you lemons, keep them-- because hey.. free lemons.

"~heart~ Sticker"  fixer:

      From: Hugues François <>
 To: Joseph Spenner <>; PostGIS Users Discussion 
 Sent: Tuesday, November 18, 2014 8:52 AM
 Subject: RE: [postgis-users] Returning polygons if any of a polygon input 
points lie in the polygons
#yiv6953499053 #yiv6953499053 -- _filtered #yiv6953499053 
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span.yiv6953499053EmailStyle17 {color:#1F497D;}#yiv6953499053 
span.yiv6953499053TextedebullesCar {}#yiv6953499053 .yiv6953499053MsoChpDefault 
{font-size:10.0pt;} _filtered #yiv6953499053 {margin:70.85pt 70.85pt 70.85pt 
70.85pt;}#yiv6953499053 div.yiv6953499053WordSection1 {}#yiv6953499053 Hi,  I 
think ST_Intersects will meet your needs :  SELECT  
zone,gid,state,name,ST_Asgeojson( geom ) FROM polys WHERE 
ST_Intersects(ST_GeomFromText('POLYGON((-109 42,-108 42, -108 43; -109 43, -109 
42))', 4269), geom)  Hugues.    Hugues FrançoisTourisme et systèmes 
d’informationIrstea – DTM  +33 (0) (0)  De : 
[] De la part de Joseph Spenner
Envoyé : mardi 18 novembre 2014 16:44
À : PostGIS Users Discussion
Objet : Re: [postgis-users] Returning polygons if any of a polygon input points 
lie in the polygons  

Something I did notice though-- it seems that if the input polygon completely 
surrounds a polygon stored in my database, it is not included in the result.  I 
read something about this here:    
"Returns TRUE if the Geometries "spatially overlap". By that we mean they 
intersect, but one does not completely contain another."  I do need the 
polygons which are completely contained as well.  Can this be done?  Thanks 
again for the help.  I'm getting there!  Regards,Joseph Spenner          From: 
Joseph Spenner <>
To: Rémi Cura <>; PostGIS Users Discussion 
Sent: Tuesday, November 18, 2014 8:35 AM
Subject: Re: [postgis-users] Returning polygons if any of a polygon input 
points lie in the polygons  Rémi:  Yes, that worked perfectly.  Thanks!  My 
input poly will be stored in another database (maybe just another table).   It 
would be nice to perform the query all on 1 line (get the poly and use it for 
the query), but I can query the first table first to get the input poly, then 
use that for the 2nd query without too much difficulty.
Thanks again for the responses!  Regards,Joseph Spenner   If life gives you 
lemons, keep them-- because hey.. free lemons.   
"~heart~ Sticker"  fixer:   
      From: Rémi Cura <>
To: PostGIS Users Discussion <> 
Cc: Joseph Spenner <> 
Sent: Tuesday, November 18, 2014 4:20 AM
Subject: Re: [postgis-users] Returning polygons if any of a polygon input 
points lie in the polygons  Something like this?

  SELECT  zone,gid,state,name,ST_Asgeojson( geom ) 

FROM polys WHERE ST_Overlaps(ST_GeomFromText('POLYGON((-109 42,-108 42, -108 
43; -109 43, -109 42))', 4269), geom)=TRUE;  Cheers,
Rémi-C  2014-11-18 9:00 GMT+01:00 Hugues François <>:

  Hello, Maybe I don’t understand your problem very well but I think your query 
for points should work with a polygon using ST_GeomFromText 
( for your input polygon or a 
subquery if it stored into your DB. Hugues. De : 
[] De la part de Joseph Spenner
Envoyé : lundi 17 novembre 2014 22:35
À : PostGIS Users Discussion
Objet : [postgis-users] Returning polygons if any of a polygon input points lie 
in the polygons Hello, I'm trying to perform a query which will return any 
polygons which have any points in common with an input polygon. So, if I have 
Polygon A.In my database, I have several other polygons stored. I want to 
submit a query with Polygon A as the input, which will return all of the 
polygons in my database which have any points in common with Polygon A. Can 
this be done?
I found this: But from what I can tell, 
it only returns a T or F.   I need to fetch the actual polygons if T. I'm 
currently able to query with points as input: select 
zone,gid,state,name,ST_Asgeojson( geom ) from polys where 
ST_Intersects(ST_PointFromText('POINT(-109 42)', 4269), geom);  But now I have 
a need to use polygons as input.  Any help would be great.  Thanks! 
Regards,Joseph Spenner  
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