There are two ways to draw a line between (-179, 0) & (179 0) - the long & 
short way around the earth, & Postgis can't tell which is correct. 

You  could:1. cast the geometry to a geography for the query,2. try 
ST_ShiftLongitude([geometry]) which will change it to a 0-360 longitude space 
instead of +-180 (this was written to fix some 180 issues)
3. try hard coding 0-360 longitudes in your query: 
ST_GeomFromText('MULTIPOLYGON(((179.64844 67.73477,204.96094 67.60118,198.80859 
61.8462,179.64844 67.73477)))')
Note that points in your table will also need shifting to a 0-360 space in the 
query for 2 & 3.

You should include a ST_SetSRID([geometry],4326) as well so Postgis knows the 
CRS of the created polygon, & your point columns should also have this set.

Brent Wood
      From: Trang Nguyen <trang.ngu...@inrix.com>
 To: "postgis-users@lists.osgeo.org" <postgis-users@lists.osgeo.org> 
 Sent: Friday, February 20, 2015 10:57 AM
 Subject: [postgis-users] ST_intersects query that crosses date line boundaries
 <!--#yiv5574049598 _filtered #yiv5574049598 {font-family:Calibri;panose-1:2 15 
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1.0in 1.0in 1.0in;}#yiv5574049598 div.yiv5574049598WordSection1 {}-->Hi, 
I am using Postgres 9.3 and have a table with geometry columns:   startloc 
geometry(Point),   endloc geometry(Point),    When I run a query that crosses 
the date line boundary, I’m getting incorrect results. Example: SELECT * from 
od1.trip_v1_partitioned where startts>=TIMESTAMP '2015-02-16T20:00:00.000Z'and 
startts<TIMESTAMP '2015-02-17T20:00:00.000Z'and endts<TIMESTAMP 
'2015-02-17T20:00:00.000Z' and ST_intersects(startloc, 
ST_MakeValid(ST_GeomFromText('MULTIPOLYGON(((179.64844 67.73477,-155.03906 
67.60118,-161.19141 61.8462,179.64844 67.73477)))')))    Would I need to change 
how my columns are stored (this would require a big migration), or is it 
possible to adjust  my query to handle this correctly?    Thanks,
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